From the traditional Hatha-Yoga in the course of time, various forms, methods and own yoga styles have developed.
The Hatha Yoga by Swami Sivananda is a classic, holistic YOGA style, in which not only physical but also mental and
soul development and health are taken into account. YOGA showing the way, body, mind and soul to bring in a balance
and strengthen. The basis for the effectiveness of the exercises the coordination of breathing techniques (pranayama), the exercise per se (asanas
and the final deep relaxation.
The regular practice of asanas, pranayama and relaxation wakes reserves of energy and leads to a completely new body well-being. The gentle movements at Sivananda Yoga moreover, have a profound inner action: you overcome fear and help to build trust and positive serenity.
Furthermore YOGA styles that have currently developed over time, we will introduce briefly.