Hatha Yoga

Hatha Yoga

Hatha means force effort
It is the yoga way of „effort“.

Hatha Yoga is body-oriented part of yoga. „Ha“ means sun, „tha“ means moon. Thus Hatha Yoga also means harmonizing the two basic energies in our system: the activating, and warming of the constituent, cooling energy. The Hatha Yoga style serves not only the physical body and the energy envelope (Pranamaya Kosha) and the emotional-intellectual sheath (Manomaya Kosha).
The Hatha Yoga style forms the basis for effortless meditation, it serves the Raja Yoga, the domination of the spirit. The Hatha Yoga style is also a basis of the other paths of yoga. However, it has subsequently developed into an independent form of yoga. The Hatha Yoga style mainly includes physical postures (asanas), breathing exercises (pranayama) and deep relaxation (Savasana).